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Tá Falado
May 8, 2007
Grammar Lesson 1:  Gostar vs. Gustar, Sitting on the Grass
Sitting on the grass We've made a switch.  Welcome back to all who have previously listened to Tá Falado.  Up to this point, we've always done pronunciation lessons.  Today we introduce something new, our first grammar lesson!  From here on out we'll look at some of those items that make Spanish speakers shake their heads and say, 'I thought Portuguese and Spanish were more similar than this.'  In lesson one, Orlando, Valdo, Michelle, and José Luís talk us through the verb 'to like.'  We, in fact, hope that you like the lesson too.  Culturally, Valdo and Michelle confess that they have never understood why North Americans like to sit on the grass.
Download (right-click): tafalado_gra_01.mp3  (MP3, 10:49, 7.61 MB)