WEBVTT 00:00:00.090 --> 00:00:02.700 >> My topic today is language assessment. 00:00:02.700 --> 00:00:08.760 And I'd like to start defining it and I think it helps to think of assessment when we're talking 00:00:08.760 --> 00:00:11.460 about teaching as sort of an umbrella term. 00:00:11.460 --> 00:00:15.910 So there are a lot of things that we do in the classroom to evaluate students' learning, 00:00:15.910 --> 00:00:18.430 to evaluate their language ability, and language knowledge. 00:00:18.430 --> 00:00:24.270 And there are some things that we do formally like tests, pop quizzes, presentations. 00:00:24.270 --> 00:00:27.520 And there are other things that we do informally like ask students questions 00:00:27.520 --> 00:00:32.030 and see if they understood something or have them do a skit or a role-play. 00:00:32.030 --> 00:00:36.130 So we're assessing maybe more than we think we are, in classrooms. 00:00:36.130 --> 00:00:40.740 But today we're really focused on formal assessment, things like test and quizzes. 00:00:40.740 --> 00:00:48.070 And when you think about assessment its good to have three questions in mind, I think. 00:00:48.070 --> 00:00:50.790 The first question is why. 00:00:50.790 --> 00:00:54.920 So thinking about why you're assessing students, are you trying to place them 00:00:54.920 --> 00:00:59.920 into different levels, are you trying to do a diagnostic test to see where their strengths 00:00:59.920 --> 00:01:03.540 and weaknesses are, do you want to know if they've learned the material 00:01:03.540 --> 00:01:09.570 up through the midterm, or if they're able to listen to a 30-minute lecture and comprehend it. 00:01:09.570 --> 00:01:13.800 So always thinking about what are you trying to find out about the students? 00:01:13.800 --> 00:01:17.300 And that actually leads to the second question of what, what are you trying to measure? 00:01:17.300 --> 00:01:19.380 So once you know why you're assessing them, 00:01:19.380 --> 00:01:22.330 you need to think about what is it you're trying to find out. 00:01:22.330 --> 00:01:26.590 So going back to listening comprehension, in that case, 00:01:26.590 --> 00:01:30.340 you're thinking about what is involved in listening. 00:01:30.340 --> 00:01:35.330 Is it understanding when people are pausing, why they're pausing, 00:01:35.330 --> 00:01:39.860 is it being able to comprehend certain vocabularies, certain genres but really trying 00:01:39.860 --> 00:01:44.020 to define what it is you want to measure or assess? 00:01:44.020 --> 00:01:49.330 And once you know why and what, that helps with the third question, how is really the test 00:01:49.330 --> 00:01:52.160 and how we get to the assessment instrument. 00:01:52.160 --> 00:01:56.410 And often times that's where we like to start but actually thinking about why 00:01:56.410 --> 00:01:60.330 and what should help us make a lot of the decisions we need to make with how.